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UGC – The Digital Gift That Keeps on Giving

“May I speak to a manger?” Did that question bring chills down your spine? That’s because what follows can either make or break the experience of a customer. Give them an online platform and it can make or break the reputation of your business. As marketers, what if we used this to our advantage?

What if out of the nine people who complain, we give a megaphone to the 10th customer who went out of their way to compliment the manager on their experience? In the digital world, we call that user-generated content.

User-generated content (UGC) is original, brand-specific content created by customers and published on social media or other channels. UGC comes in many forms, including images, videos, reviews, a testimonial, or even a podcast.” – Hootsuite

Ever loved a product so much that you just HAD to post about it to your friends? Or left a review for that waiter who went the extra mile? The good news is it’s a gift that keeps on giving. Here’s why:

Real Testimonials from Real Fans

According to Hootsuite, 60% of marketers say that authenticity and quality are equally important for successful content. What’s more authentic than UGC from your customers?!

Resharing a post that a customer made about your product establishes trust in your brand. The post came from a real person who went out of their way to talk about it. That shows how passionate they are not only about the product, but the people behind it.

Any brand can brag about how great their product is. A trustworthy brand will show evidence to support it. And what better evidence than from the mouths of people who actually bought the product? Often times before we buy anything new, we ask our friends first.

Early Adopters Influence the Decision

Early adopters play a huge role in user-generated content. They are the first in line when a new product hits the shelves. They are the calm before the storm. The trial before the trend. As said by Corporate Finance Institute, they were the first to try the iPhone in 2007 when it was $600.

In the digital world, the reviews of early adopters are highly influential. They are typically young, educated people with a huge online following. Their job is to embrace the product at the early stages and decide if it’s worth the buy. Therefore, their reviews can be a UGC gold mine if they are positive.

Sharing reviews by early adopters can help increase the authenticity of the product and support the buyer’s journey.

Giving Back to Loyal Customers

When customers take the time to write a positive review, they show pride in our brand. By turning this into user-generated content, we show pride in our customers. They shout us out, and we shout them back!

By using this strategy, it becomes more than just selling a product, it’s selling an experience. It’s giving back to our loyal customers with a new audience they can promote to.

For example, a makeup influencer makes a TikTok video promoting Maybelline’s new mascara. Her goal is to not only share her experience, but to gain more attention to her platform. When Maybelline reshares the influencer’s video onto their page, their audience then gets introduced to the makeup influencer. Their audience becomes her audience, and vice versa.

Maybelline could take a step further to strengthen their relationship with the influencer. They could offer her a sponsorship deal. They could send her free product to show their gratitude. Even simply reaching out to say thank you for supporting their brand will make them stand out.

People connect with people. With UGC, learn the difference between a brand that sells and a brand that connects.

Want to make UGC a part of your digital strategy? Not sure where to start? Access to Media can help! Contact us to see how our team can help you better connect with your audience.